Though, I am not often fond of graffiti, I confess, the killer whale is rather cute. ♥ Simple in colors, with only the red of the other graffiti giving it a color pop. However, the red leads the eyes around the picture, very nice. :)By the way... are you walking on water Tommy, how'd you get this picture?
Oh, dear!
AntwortenLöschenBut it fits the day....
I rather like killer whales actually :)
LöschenThough, I am not often fond of graffiti, I confess, the killer whale is rather cute. ♥ Simple in colors, with only the red of the other graffiti giving it a color pop. However, the red leads the eyes around the picture, very nice. :)By the way... are you walking on water Tommy, how'd you get this picture?
AntwortenLöschenIsn't it just? I likes it :)
LöschenNope :D I'm just barely holding my camera over the surface of the water from the other river bank